Make Your First Impression A Lasting One!
Have you ever wondered how all your favorite artists on the radio get amazingly perfect balanced full mixes all the time? You know EXACTLY who I'm talking about...
You just can't help tapping your feet and nodding your head. Everything sounds great. The vocals are clear and present, and the music is poppin. Who are these people? Why is their music so clear, full, and amaziing sounding?
But you have to think these people must be coughing up thousands on huge studios located in New York, Los Angeles, or Nashville. Well, some of them have HUGE budgets and that could be true....
Well, what if that actually wasn't the case? What if, you had access to a professional recording / mastering engineer with decades of experience that used the same tools as the huge mega studios.
Hi, my name is Eliot! I have been a professional music producer for a long time, and I have Mixed, engineered, and Mastered many songs for my clients over two decades.
If you're like most artists, you probably feel like your songs are good enough. Your songs are actuallly great songs, but when you do an A-B comparison to Major hits on the Charts you realize they don't quite compare sonically.
You might even have resigned yourself to just not capturing the pefect quality that way you really want to...
Well, I'm here to change all that! I want to show you how you can get a professional quality sound. You don't need to be a pro, because I'm giving you the last two decades of experience and access to my arsenal of highly specialized tools at a very reasonable price!
The Professional Solution For Taking Your Music To the Next Level!
When Mastering And Mixing We Know That Every Song Is Unique And That Means That Each Song Requires It's Own Special Individual Treatment For The Best Results, Because There Is No "One Size Fits All" we carefully listen and determine just what is needed for the absolute best result!
Slaughter Sound Music
The One-Stop Shop for capturing and enhancing the best for your songs whether it is mixing, mastering or both. Big Full Radio Ready Mixes
High Quality Mixing
Mixing Available For Artists All Over The World
We Can Master Just One Song For A Single Release, Or An Entire Cd Project. Whatever Suits Your Needs
Major Label Quality Mastering
Big - Rich - Full - High Quality Sound - We Can Mix The Music That We Record Here And Also Music From Other Studios Using Secure Internet Servers
Top Name Brand Tools To Get The Job Done
We Have Some Of the Best Equipment, And Select The Right Tools For The Job
All Music Is Kept Totally Confident And 100%. Secure. With Fast Turn around!
Music Is Sent Through "We Transfer" Using The Secure Zip File Format
And a whole ton more!
Big Full Rich Sound - Ready To Compete
Balanced Clean And Clear Sounding Songs that are ready to compete with sonically with the big name Artists on the Charts
Fast Delivery Of Songs Sent Right To You
Included High Quality .wav File And 320 kps Highest Quality Mp3 (Stereo File) For Each Song
Free Consultation before we begin!
If we hear anything inherent in your mixes that will keep us from doing our absolute best, we will tell you exactly what to do to fix it before we begin the Mastering process at no charge.
The way you prepare and send your songs files for Mastering and Mixing can have a big impact on the outcome of your final sound quality. For this reason, we have included easy to follow, step by step instructions on the correct way to prepare your audio files before sending.
If you are not sure how to prepare your audio files(stems)
for mixing and or mastering, These videos can be of great help.
They walk you through the process
A to Z.
If you are just needing mastering, there is no need for preparing the "stems"
Just send me your best mix with no compression on the Master bus fader and let me take of the Peak levels in the Mastering process.
The process is to put the song or songs in a folder, and compress that folder into a zip file.
After you have done that, then send the zip file using the service: is very reliable and is free up to 2GB per transfer.
Mastering for
Up to 13 Songs Allowed On $450 Album Package. (Two Revisions)
My "Sonically Perfect" Guarantee!
I know you are going to be pleasantly surprised by how much better your song sounds after being Mastered that I Guarantee you will be happy or your money back. I just ask that you start with one song first and if you are not happy, I will refund your money for that one song! There are discounts available for entire Cd Packages as well once you like what you are hearing. With 1 & 2 revisions available